halfbakedmidget (10:37:45 PM): OKAY!!!
PrincesssLindsC (10:37:48 PM): ok
PrincesssLindsC (10:37:52 PM): try it?
halfbakedmidget (10:37:58 PM): yes please =)
ATTENTION (10:38:09 PM): Direct IM session initiated.
What is this?
halfbakedmidget (10:38:38 PM): pretty =)
halfbakedmidget (10:38:52 PM): I love the glasses!!!
PrincesssLindsC (10:38:59 PM): yeah thanks
PrincesssLindsC (10:39:06 PM): they had cats and I was on a lot of benadryl
PrincesssLindsC (10:39:14 PM): and mixed it with smoking
PrincesssLindsC (10:39:25 PM): the last one is the birthday girl
PrincesssLindsC (10:39:36 PM): the night got crazy
halfbakedmidget (10:39:44 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (10:39:48 PM): who's eating her boobs?
PrincesssLindsC (10:39:51 PM): I like this picture sharing
halfbakedmidget (10:39:56 PM): me too!
PrincesssLindsC (10:39:59 PM): she has a swisher in there
PrincesssLindsC (10:40:09 PM): she told him to get it out with his teeth
halfbakedmidget (10:40:30 PM): what'sa swisher?
PrincesssLindsC (10:40:32 PM): glory was so embarressed about her outfit
halfbakedmidget (10:40:41 PM): why!?
halfbakedmidget (10:40:43 PM): she looks cute!
PrincesssLindsC (10:40:53 PM): its a flavored cigar that you empty and then roll weed into a blunt in
PrincesssLindsC (10:41:07 PM): she felt like a hooch
PrincesssLindsC (10:41:15 PM): is that Mike>
halfbakedmidget (10:41:18 PM): yup!
halfbakedmidget (10:41:25 PM): that's
halfbakedmidget (10:41:27 PM): 'Pac
halfbakedmidget (10:41:29 PM): my homie.
PrincesssLindsC (10:41:30 PM): ?
PrincesssLindsC (10:41:32 PM): got it
halfbakedmidget (10:41:45 PM): they found this HUGE picture at a thrift store.
PrincesssLindsC (10:41:47 PM): who's wolfgang?
halfbakedmidget (10:41:50 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (10:41:54 PM): Aaron. the 'Pac guy
halfbakedmidget (10:42:06 PM): he was going to be named "Wolfgang" but his parents decided on Aaron
halfbakedmidget (10:42:20 PM): that's what I got my buddy Jeff for his 24th birthday
halfbakedmidget (10:42:25 PM): 24 beers from around the world
PrincesssLindsC (10:42:28 PM): nice one
halfbakedmidget (10:42:37 PM): you're pretty!!!
PrincesssLindsC (10:42:42 PM): thanks
PrincesssLindsC (10:42:54 PM): I like this one
PrincesssLindsC (10:42:56 PM): the best
halfbakedmidget (10:43:02 PM): of you?
halfbakedmidget (10:43:04 PM): awwww
PrincesssLindsC (10:43:04 PM): yup
halfbakedmidget (10:43:07 PM): so cute
halfbakedmidget (10:43:12 PM): yet it still inspires bad thoughts.
PrincesssLindsC (10:43:20 PM): my boobs look great in that one
halfbakedmidget (10:43:28 PM): they always look great
PrincesssLindsC (10:43:31 PM): I wish I had a pic of my back cause it was all open and laced up
halfbakedmidget (10:43:38 PM): oooh, nice!!
halfbakedmidget (10:43:59 PM): that's Kate, in Cassie's lap.
halfbakedmidget (10:44:04 PM): I got to play with Kate's back.
PrincesssLindsC (10:44:16 PM): I hope thats the blond
halfbakedmidget (10:45:05 PM): yeah
halfbakedmidget (10:45:11 PM): cassie's much prettier in other situations.
PrincesssLindsC (10:45:14 PM): I changed my mind. I have a new fav
PrincesssLindsC (10:45:14 PM): the first one
PrincesssLindsC (10:45:19 PM): I love my girls!
PrincesssLindsC (10:45:25 PM): who?
halfbakedmidget (10:45:30 PM): your girls are lovely
halfbakedmidget (10:45:34 PM): almost as lovely as you!
PrincesssLindsC (10:45:38 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (10:45:47 PM): cassie is the one in that pic wearing my Hard Rock beanie
PrincesssLindsC (10:45:49 PM): Kate is pretty
halfbakedmidget (10:45:59 PM): very pretty
halfbakedmidget (10:46:25 PM): that's Jeff.
halfbakedmidget (10:46:30 PM): as a Starbucks Barista.
PrincesssLindsC (10:46:31 PM): ?
halfbakedmidget (10:46:46 PM): because it's clear that girls wearing ONLY starbucks aprons are reeeeally hot.
halfbakedmidget (10:47:09 PM): that's my junk.
halfbakedmidget (10:47:15 PM): and ben
PrincesssLindsC (10:48:05 PM): my friends as baristas
halfbakedmidget (10:48:06 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (10:48:07 PM): see?
halfbakedmidget (10:48:09 PM): instant hot!
PrincesssLindsC (10:48:14 PM): told ya
PrincesssLindsC (10:48:46 PM): I'm obsessed with the pic sharing
halfbakedmidget (10:48:52 PM): it's fun!!!
PrincesssLindsC (10:48:57 PM): I know now
halfbakedmidget (10:49:12 PM): a friend of mine (who I just met recently) is all about sharing the naughty pics.
PrincesssLindsC (10:49:17 PM): way to go
halfbakedmidget (10:49:25 PM): no no no, she's happily dating.
halfbakedmidget (10:49:29 PM): in an open relationship.
PrincesssLindsC (10:49:34 PM): wowsa
PrincesssLindsC (10:49:39 PM): ?
halfbakedmidget (10:49:40 PM): that's Kate, being attacked by the snake.
halfbakedmidget (10:49:46 PM): held by Jimmy
PrincesssLindsC (10:49:46 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (10:49:50 PM): wearing paper-bag hands.
PrincesssLindsC (10:49:53 PM): you guys are random
halfbakedmidget (10:49:59 PM): Kate was reeeeeeally drunk
halfbakedmidget (10:50:02 PM): I had to carry her to her bed
PrincesssLindsC (10:50:05 PM): nice one
halfbakedmidget (10:50:19 PM): I have a lot of fun sober =)
PrincesssLindsC (10:50:38 PM): the hugest 420 blunt
PrincesssLindsC (10:50:48 PM): not a good pic though
halfbakedmidget (10:51:08 PM): hahaha
halfbakedmidget (10:51:14 PM): I dunno, you look pretty sweet there =)
PrincesssLindsC (10:51:21 PM): uh huh
PrincesssLindsC (10:51:35 PM): ok done
ATTENTION (10:51:38 PM): Direct IM session disconnected.
halfbakedmidget (10:51:39 PM): all done?
halfbakedmidget (10:51:43 PM): ok
PrincesssLindsC (10:51:46 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (10:52:02 PM): now I know why you tease me so much =)
PrincesssLindsC (10:52:06 PM): why?
halfbakedmidget (10:52:14 PM): because I accidentally turned you down.
PrincesssLindsC (10:52:18 PM): haha
PrincesssLindsC (10:52:22 PM): maybe a bit 
halfbakedmidget (10:52:32 PM): jerk =)
PrincesssLindsC (10:52:38 PM): otherwise its just generally cruel and fun
halfbakedmidget (10:52:46 PM): eh, that's okay
PrincesssLindsC (10:52:47 PM): and they are hot pics
PrincesssLindsC (10:52:52 PM): that no one else appreciates
halfbakedmidget (10:52:58 PM): cause if I feel really malicious, I'll just tell you exactly what I'm doing with them.
PrincesssLindsC (10:53:13 PM): filing them away in your hard drive no doubt
PrincesssLindsC (10:53:26 PM): your slow computer cause of the full hard drive
halfbakedmidget (10:53:44 PM): haha, hardly.
halfbakedmidget (10:53:46 PM): it's fast!
halfbakedmidget (10:53:48 PM): I bought a new one.
PrincesssLindsC (10:53:50 PM): nice
halfbakedmidget (10:54:17 PM): and, i don't get porn viruses
halfbakedmidget (10:54:21 PM): I'm a good porn addict.
PrincesssLindsC (10:54:26 PM): oooohhhhh sure
PrincesssLindsC (10:54:46 PM): filling it up fast im sure
halfbakedmidget (10:54:54 PM): it's on spare drives
halfbakedmidget (10:54:57 PM): it doesn't affect the OS
PrincesssLindsC (10:54:58 PM): hahaha
halfbakedmidget (10:55:03 PM): I filled up two.
PrincesssLindsC (10:55:07 PM): good lord
halfbakedmidget (10:55:18 PM): your teasing drove me to it.
PrincesssLindsC (10:55:26 PM): you are a lier
PrincesssLindsC (10:55:32 PM): this started long ago im sure
halfbakedmidget (10:56:06 PM): maybe
halfbakedmidget (10:56:14 PM): but my fantasizing about real girls started with you.
PrincesssLindsC (10:56:36 PM): and porn is good for real girls...
halfbakedmidget (10:56:43 PM): hardly.
halfbakedmidget (10:56:47 PM): porn doesn't compare.
halfbakedmidget (10:57:26 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (10:57:31 PM): my picture needs no explanation!
PrincesssLindsC (10:57:36 PM): yes it does
PrincesssLindsC (10:57:41 PM): and way to check it too late
PrincesssLindsC (10:57:47 PM): I got bored when you went offline
halfbakedmidget (10:59:12 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (10:59:13 PM): harsh
PrincesssLindsC (10:59:36 PM): ?
halfbakedmidget (11:00:04 PM): oh, nothing
halfbakedmidget (11:00:08 PM): what are you up to tonight?
PrincesssLindsC (11:00:16 PM): its 11, sleep
PrincesssLindsC (11:00:22 PM): i'm in my PJs
PrincesssLindsC (11:01:00 PM): what are you up to?
halfbakedmidget (11:01:17 PM): talking to South Africa
PrincesssLindsC (11:01:20 PM): nice
halfbakedmidget (11:01:23 PM): trying to stop Lindsay-fantasies
halfbakedmidget (11:01:26 PM): the usual
PrincesssLindsC (11:01:26 PM): good luck
PrincesssLindsC (11:01:31 PM): 
halfbakedmidget (11:01:49 PM): I'm putting my room back together after an evening of working on a project
halfbakedmidget (11:01:57 PM): it's tricky. I don't remember where all the plugs go.
halfbakedmidget (11:05:37 PM): okay, my room is like 15% operational now!
PrincesssLindsC (11:05:55 PM): nice
halfbakedmidget (11:06:41 PM): 78%!!! The porn is working!!!
PrincesssLindsC (11:06:48 PM): what?
halfbakedmidget (11:07:06 PM): oh, nevermind =)
PrincesssLindsC (11:07:15 PM): why nevermind
PrincesssLindsC (11:07:23 PM): I don't get it
halfbakedmidget (11:08:03 PM): well, I have my porn stored on one computer
halfbakedmidget (11:08:08 PM): which I stream over the network to the xbos
halfbakedmidget (11:08:11 PM): xbox, rather
halfbakedmidget (11:08:13 PM): which I play on the tv
PrincesssLindsC (11:08:18 PM): that is complicated
halfbakedmidget (11:08:22 PM): so, I had to get the computer, xbox, AND tv working
halfbakedmidget (11:08:33 PM): yeah, but it means I can download porn on the internet, and play it on the tv
PrincesssLindsC (11:08:46 PM): complicated.
PrincesssLindsC (11:08:51 PM): just watch on the comp
halfbakedmidget (11:08:53 PM): sexy-complicated.
halfbakedmidget (11:08:55 PM): eh
halfbakedmidget (11:09:04 PM): if I'm on the bed, that's awkward sometimes.
PrincesssLindsC (11:09:13 PM): awakward?
PrincesssLindsC (11:09:23 PM): i guess do what you like
halfbakedmidget (11:09:25 PM): yeah, the placement of the computer
halfbakedmidget (11:09:27 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (11:09:33 PM): you wouldn't rather lay on the bed and watch porn?
PrincesssLindsC (11:09:48 PM): I don't watch porn but if I did I guess I would
halfbakedmidget (11:10:11 PM): I'd say you're missing out...
halfbakedmidget (11:10:16 PM): but you have all the parts I watch it for.
PrincesssLindsC (11:10:25 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (11:11:03 PM): hey, I'm sorry again, Lindsay. If I had the opportunity now, I would definitely accept.
PrincesssLindsC (11:11:11 PM): don't be sorry
halfbakedmidget (11:11:13 PM): I was just really thick back then.
PrincesssLindsC (11:11:20 PM): over it
halfbakedmidget (11:11:22 PM): well, I am, because I know I would enjoy it
halfbakedmidget (11:11:26 PM): and I'd make sure you enjoyed it.
PrincesssLindsC (11:11:35 PM): oh im sure I would/would have
halfbakedmidget (11:12:08 PM): back then, it might have made things awkward to the point where you wouldn't wanna talk to me.
halfbakedmidget (11:12:15 PM): I fainted at Laura's areola, after all
halfbakedmidget (11:12:23 PM): and her little boobs have nothing on you.
PrincesssLindsC (11:12:28 PM): oh and you think it wasn't awkward for me after being turned down
PrincesssLindsC (11:12:37 PM): definition of awkward on one side
halfbakedmidget (11:12:58 PM): ah, sorry!!!
PrincesssLindsC (11:13:02 PM): hehe
halfbakedmidget (11:13:06 PM): trust me, if I'd known what I was doing
PrincesssLindsC (11:13:06 PM): just saying...
halfbakedmidget (11:13:13 PM): I'd have spent the night there, if need be
PrincesssLindsC (11:13:21 PM): oh if need be...
halfbakedmidget (11:13:23 PM): you wanna know something kinda bad?
PrincesssLindsC (11:13:26 PM): yes please
halfbakedmidget (11:13:29 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (11:13:34 PM): Missy offered me her breasts.
halfbakedmidget (11:13:40 PM): I said no to her too
PrincesssLindsC (11:13:40 PM): the new ones
halfbakedmidget (11:13:45 PM): the old ones
PrincesssLindsC (11:13:46 PM): oh in LA?
halfbakedmidget (11:13:49 PM): the nipple piercing ones
halfbakedmidget (11:13:50 PM): yeah
PrincesssLindsC (11:13:52 PM): oh right
halfbakedmidget (11:14:00 PM): and I said no, thinking to myself "I'd really rather see Lindsay's"
PrincesssLindsC (11:14:02 PM): see you were turning down women left and right
halfbakedmidget (11:14:12 PM): she wasn't going to let me play with them.
halfbakedmidget (11:14:16 PM): I knew it
halfbakedmidget (11:14:18 PM): she knew it.
halfbakedmidget (11:14:20 PM): she told me.
PrincesssLindsC (11:14:29 PM): she told you not to play?
halfbakedmidget (11:15:20 PM): she said she wouldn't let me
halfbakedmidget (11:15:23 PM): just look.
PrincesssLindsC (11:15:26 PM): oh
PrincesssLindsC (11:15:31 PM): no fun
halfbakedmidget (11:15:36 PM): you're telling me
halfbakedmidget (11:15:42 PM): haha, and if I'd know you were game..
halfbakedmidget (11:15:53 PM): I would have taken you out to dinner all those times instead of her!!
PrincesssLindsC (11:16:08 PM): what? dinner?
halfbakedmidget (11:16:12 PM): yeah
halfbakedmidget (11:16:20 PM): she and I went out like 20 or 30 times
halfbakedmidget (11:16:35 PM): but she never let me touch her.
halfbakedmidget (11:16:40 PM): not so much as a hug.
PrincesssLindsC (11:16:45 PM): awwww
PrincesssLindsC (11:16:50 PM): shes a using bitch
halfbakedmidget (11:16:53 PM): yeah
halfbakedmidget (11:17:03 PM): and you're a gorgeous hugging beauty
PrincesssLindsC (11:17:08 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (11:17:15 PM): I would have traded dinner for a hug any time =)
PrincesssLindsC (11:17:19 PM): you are the only one who has ever complimented my hugs
halfbakedmidget (11:17:28 PM): I never want them to end!!
halfbakedmidget (11:17:36 PM): and that's not just because I think you're...you know.
PrincesssLindsC (11:17:48 PM): oh i think i know
halfbakedmidget (11:18:00 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (11:18:07 PM): I'm reliving one of those nights I had with Missy
halfbakedmidget (11:18:10 PM): except this time, it's with you.
PrincesssLindsC (11:18:20 PM): nights?
halfbakedmidget (11:18:23 PM): yeah
PrincesssLindsC (11:18:26 PM): dinner and no fun
halfbakedmidget (11:18:28 PM): she came up to the mountains one night
halfbakedmidget (11:18:31 PM): just to hang out
halfbakedmidget (11:18:34 PM): we went out on the back deck
halfbakedmidget (11:18:36 PM): and talked
halfbakedmidget (11:18:39 PM): and looked at the stars
halfbakedmidget (11:18:48 PM): but this time it's you.
PrincesssLindsC (11:18:49 PM): she used to disappear on me
PrincesssLindsC (11:19:00 PM): I always wndered where she went when she wouldn't tell me
halfbakedmidget (11:19:08 PM): you know what's weird? I think the whole time, she was dating ted
halfbakedmidget (11:19:25 PM): I think if I'd know, I would have been really wary of that.
PrincesssLindsC (11:19:25 PM): she was
halfbakedmidget (11:19:37 PM): I admit, I was kind of distant because you were dating BJ
halfbakedmidget (11:19:41 PM): I didn't wanna offend you
PrincesssLindsC (11:19:47 PM): good at the time I guess
halfbakedmidget (11:19:57 PM): in retrospect...
halfbakedmidget (11:20:01 PM): I should have spent the night.
PrincesssLindsC (11:20:03 PM): duh
halfbakedmidget (11:20:07 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (11:20:17 PM): and made smores.
PrincesssLindsC (11:20:17 PM): but all things are clearer in retrospect
PrincesssLindsC (11:20:20 PM): smores!
PrincesssLindsC (11:20:28 PM): thanks.... now I want one
halfbakedmidget (11:20:32 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (11:20:35 PM): that's what you get!!
halfbakedmidget (11:20:38 PM): I want a Lindsay.
PrincesssLindsC (11:20:43 PM): I was already looking at a chocolate bar thinking I didn't need it
halfbakedmidget (11:20:53 PM): well, you do
halfbakedmidget (11:20:54 PM): BUT
halfbakedmidget (11:20:59 PM): you need it kinda melting...
halfbakedmidget (11:21:02 PM): and dripping...
PrincesssLindsC (11:21:04 PM): I want ass tonight but you can't always get what you want
halfbakedmidget (11:21:17 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (11:21:20 PM): you want...ass?
halfbakedmidget (11:21:25 PM): is that slang for cock?
PrincesssLindsC (11:21:28 PM): yes
halfbakedmidget (11:21:42 PM): you can have mine. I'd rather it weren't be so annoying to me.
PrincesssLindsC (11:21:52 PM): hahaha
halfbakedmidget (11:22:15 PM): I kind of really want to learn to eat a girl out
halfbakedmidget (11:22:17 PM): right now.
PrincesssLindsC (11:22:28 PM): you need to learn for someone?
halfbakedmidget (11:22:34 PM): I've never done it before
PrincesssLindsC (11:22:44 PM): I am not good to ask. I hate it
halfbakedmidget (11:22:52 PM): haha
PrincesssLindsC (11:22:58 PM): yeah but you knew this
halfbakedmidget (11:23:02 PM): that doesn't mean I don't want to try =)
halfbakedmidget (11:23:07 PM): you said you enjoyed it once, didn't you?
PrincesssLindsC (11:23:11 PM): no
PrincesssLindsC (11:23:26 PM): I figured out why though, its not unnormal
PrincesssLindsC (11:23:35 PM): or not unusual
halfbakedmidget (11:23:50 PM): ooh, yeah?
halfbakedmidget (11:23:58 PM): it's the freaky stuff that turns you on?
PrincesssLindsC (11:24:00 PM): no
PrincesssLindsC (11:24:05 PM): you wish
halfbakedmidget (11:24:10 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (11:24:18 PM): it's not like I'd get any of that anyhow =)
halfbakedmidget (11:24:34 PM): although, it would have made that night I just relived a lot more interesting =)
PrincesssLindsC (11:24:53 PM): yeah sex is spices up a night
PrincesssLindsC (11:24:55 PM): one hopes
halfbakedmidget (11:25:36 PM): I like to hope to =a)
halfbakedmidget (11:25:38 PM): err...
halfbakedmidget (11:25:40 PM): minus that 'a'
halfbakedmidget (11:25:46 PM): I think I want sex with the lights on
PrincesssLindsC (11:25:54 PM): lights off girls are dumb
PrincesssLindsC (11:26:04 PM): there is no fun in that
halfbakedmidget (11:26:09 PM): I know!
PrincesssLindsC (11:26:11 PM): well not "no fun" but...
halfbakedmidget (11:26:15 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (11:26:16 PM): I know.
halfbakedmidget (11:26:31 PM): also, girls who won't use their hands are dumb.
PrincesssLindsC (11:26:36 PM): why
PrincesssLindsC (11:26:43 PM): what if they don't need it
halfbakedmidget (11:27:25 PM): well, what sense are you talking about?
PrincesssLindsC (11:27:35 PM): uh oh
halfbakedmidget (11:27:40 PM): I'm thinking, we're making out on the bed, and she uses her fingers to rub her clit a little
PrincesssLindsC (11:27:40 PM): what are you talking about
PrincesssLindsC (11:27:46 PM): yeah
halfbakedmidget (11:27:49 PM): very cute.
PrincesssLindsC (11:27:50 PM): not everyone needs that
halfbakedmidget (11:28:07 PM): no? It has a purpose?
PrincesssLindsC (11:28:09 PM): maybe im odd
halfbakedmidget (11:28:19 PM): meaning, you get wet enough without it?
PrincesssLindsC (11:28:29 PM): I am wet before my pants come off
halfbakedmidget (11:28:46 PM): yeah, I would have spent the night.
halfbakedmidget (11:28:48 PM): BJ be damned.
PrincesssLindsC (11:28:49 PM): my body is very *responsice
PrincesssLindsC (11:28:57 PM): responsive
halfbakedmidget (11:29:24 PM): I gotta say, trails are absolutely beautiful
halfbakedmidget (11:29:28 PM): from the lips to the panties.
PrincesssLindsC (11:29:37 PM): trails?
halfbakedmidget (11:29:49 PM): yeah
halfbakedmidget (11:29:52 PM): when a girl is really wet
halfbakedmidget (11:30:10 PM): and her panties are pulled to the side, and they leave cum-trails
PrincesssLindsC (11:30:35 PM): got it
halfbakedmidget (11:30:45 PM): haha, too direct?
PrincesssLindsC (11:31:00 PM): nope perfect exxplination
halfbakedmidget (11:31:15 PM): okay, good.
halfbakedmidget (11:31:17 PM): I've never seen it
halfbakedmidget (11:31:28 PM): except once in an...educational film.
PrincesssLindsC (11:31:36 PM): sure
PrincesssLindsC (11:31:44 PM): you have a loose definition of educational
halfbakedmidget (11:31:49 PM): haha
halfbakedmidget (11:31:54 PM): if it teaches me something I didn't know before
halfbakedmidget (11:32:03 PM): like, girls will do that for money?
halfbakedmidget (11:32:07 PM): then it's kind of educational?
halfbakedmidget (11:32:12 PM): I'd rather have, say....a girl
halfbakedmidget (11:32:16 PM): with a chocolate bar
PrincesssLindsC (11:32:15 PM): for money?
halfbakedmidget (11:32:17 PM): or a smore
PrincesssLindsC (11:32:23 PM): smore!
halfbakedmidget (11:32:51 PM): so I can, you know, measure the contrast between the melted chocolate
halfbakedmidget (11:32:54 PM): and the un-tanned skin
halfbakedmidget (11:32:59 PM): for science.
PrincesssLindsC (11:33:17 PM): oh and compare to the white too
halfbakedmidget (11:33:36 PM): from the marshmallow?
PrincesssLindsC (11:33:51 PM): yup
halfbakedmidget (11:33:57 PM): naturally!
halfbakedmidget (11:34:19 PM): for example, will marshmallow rubbed softly in circles around the areola...do anything at all? Or just be cute.
PrincesssLindsC (11:34:29 PM): cute
PrincesssLindsC (11:34:34 PM): how about around yours?
halfbakedmidget (11:34:55 PM): I hypothesize that my nipples will become erect
PrincesssLindsC (11:35:19 PM): oh likely true
halfbakedmidget (11:35:38 PM): then the question stands, what does one require an erect nipple/set of nipples for?
PrincesssLindsC (11:36:05 PM): arousal
PrincesssLindsC (11:36:18 PM): well a physical sign of it may turn the other person on
PrincesssLindsC (11:36:31 PM): like if I was to bite your nipple lightly and it responded by getting hard
PrincesssLindsC (11:36:34 PM): that would be hot
halfbakedmidget (11:36:46 PM): it would indeed
halfbakedmidget (11:37:02 PM): oddly enough, parts of my anatomy which you hadn't paid any attention to at that point would also become hard
PrincesssLindsC (11:37:12 PM): see
halfbakedmidget (11:37:15 PM): and I would require a reprisal
PrincesssLindsC (11:37:27 PM): oh sure
halfbakedmidget (11:38:10 PM): but I don't believe that it would start with a bite there. I'd bite just under the nipple, softly, pulling with my teeth, and then lick a circle up to the nipple. Perhaps without actually touching it, your nipple would become erect.
PrincesssLindsC (11:38:24 PM): see yes it would
PrincesssLindsC (11:38:28 PM): you get it now
halfbakedmidget (11:38:48 PM): however, an erect female nipple inspires a desire to suckle in me
PrincesssLindsC (11:38:59 PM): as it should
halfbakedmidget (11:39:41 PM): so seeing as the experiment was a success, the next move would be to actually take it into my mouth, and attempt to maintain erectness through massaging it with my lips, tongue, and occasional biting softly
halfbakedmidget (11:40:09 PM): also, a straddling position would be more convenient for this sort of testing, and allow for further mobility.
PrincesssLindsC (11:40:16 PM): see but it would stay erect even if you weren't giving it any attention right now
PrincesssLindsC (11:40:44 PM): oh stradeling would be good. If i was stradeling you I think my breats would be just about right in your face
halfbakedmidget (11:40:53 PM): ah, well, if that were the case, then we could actually move on to additional experiments, and see if the overall arousal level could be maintained, if not increased
halfbakedmidget (11:41:02 PM): perhaps the other nipples requires stimulation as well
PrincesssLindsC (11:41:09 PM): oh sure
halfbakedmidget (11:41:38 PM): I think that as an intermediary, the lips should be kissed (and/or neck/jawline) on the way to the other nipple
halfbakedmidget (11:41:50 PM): otherwise, the stimulation may be too soon, and would throw off the experiment
PrincesssLindsC (11:41:57 PM): oh see if I think if you made it to my lips it might be hard to leave
PrincesssLindsC (11:42:10 PM): I like to hold people ther
halfbakedmidget (11:42:24 PM): hmm, then we would have to find a way to stimulate you without the usage of my mouth
halfbakedmidget (11:42:31 PM): other appendages are required for such work.
PrincesssLindsC (11:42:38 PM): oh my favorite appendages
halfbakedmidget (11:42:52 PM): which is that? A previously-erect one?
PrincesssLindsC (11:43:03 PM): oh definitely
halfbakedmidget (11:43:37 PM): I think that I could manage to unsheathe it, if you prepare the stimulation site and help me to transport. It's going to be tricky without visual confirmation
PrincesssLindsC (11:43:46 PM): haha
PrincesssLindsC (11:43:53 PM): you are so technical it kills
halfbakedmidget (11:44:08 PM): I keep expecting you to make me stop =)
halfbakedmidget (11:44:10 PM): I don't want to.
PrincesssLindsC (11:44:23 PM): well I do have to go to bed soon
halfbakedmidget (11:44:29 PM): right now?
halfbakedmidget (11:44:34 PM): or is there time for one last experiment?
PrincesssLindsC (11:44:34 PM): soon I said
PrincesssLindsC (11:44:38 PM): one last one
PrincesssLindsC (11:44:43 PM): a good one
halfbakedmidget (11:45:03 PM): okay. Why don't you manage the appendage, and I'll follow your lead
halfbakedmidget (11:45:11 PM): your hand would be much steadier than mine at this point.
PrincesssLindsC (11:45:25 PM): oh I would take complete control if allowed
halfbakedmidget (11:45:39 PM): should I maintain stimulation of your lips/tongue?
halfbakedmidget (11:45:48 PM): or lay back and let you control the environment?
PrincesssLindsC (11:45:58 PM): Oh see I see you sitting with your back against the wall and me in your lap, breasts in your face
halfbakedmidget (11:46:07 PM): ooh
PrincesssLindsC (11:46:07 PM): my FAVORITE
halfbakedmidget (11:46:10 PM): that's easy then
halfbakedmidget (11:46:15 PM): I can use my hands on your hips
PrincesssLindsC (11:46:20 PM): control the hips
halfbakedmidget (11:46:31 PM): but I warn you...once you start to insert me into you...
halfbakedmidget (11:46:34 PM): I'm going to want to push.
halfbakedmidget (11:46:36 PM): hard.
PrincesssLindsC (11:46:42 PM): nice
PrincesssLindsC (11:46:49 PM): I like it hard
halfbakedmidget (11:47:21 PM): I can imagine your breasts bouncing in front of my face as I pull your hips down against mine
PrincesssLindsC (11:47:44 PM): oh not in front. I like to be CLOSE and grind so the would be in your face making it hard to breathe
halfbakedmidget (11:48:00 PM): ooh, smashed into them, huh?
PrincesssLindsC (11:48:01 PM): =)
PrincesssLindsC (11:48:04 PM): yup
halfbakedmidget (11:48:28 PM): I hope you don't mind terribly having sex with cum dripping out of you. Because I'm not going to stop after I orgasm.
PrincesssLindsC (11:48:34 PM): hahaha
PrincesssLindsC (11:48:39 PM): thats hot
PrincesssLindsC (11:48:48 PM): we can make amess on your bed
halfbakedmidget (11:49:06 PM): but of course =) you can even tie me to it if you feel like you don't have enough control
PrincesssLindsC (11:49:17 PM): oh I think you would give up control to me
PrincesssLindsC (11:49:24 PM): or be beat =)
halfbakedmidget (11:49:34 PM): oh yes please!!
PrincesssLindsC (11:49:35 PM): haha
PrincesssLindsC (11:49:58 PM): so was that a good last experiment. may I go to bed
halfbakedmidget (11:50:19 PM): you may. You were a fantastic specimen
PrincesssLindsC (11:50:23 PM): thank you
PrincesssLindsC (11:50:25 PM): goodnight
halfbakedmidget (11:50:28 PM): thank you =)
halfbakedmidget (11:50:31 PM): sleep tight
PrincesssLindsC (11:50:35 PM): you too
PrincesssLindsC signed off at 11:50:43 PM.
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