Conversation with princessslindsc

(09:29:42 PM) Jono: OMG LINDSAY!!!!
(09:29:45 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: Hey kid
(09:29:57 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: whats up wit you hating some festival?
(09:30:04 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: of lights?
(09:30:11 PM) Jono: haha
(09:30:17 PM) Jono: some hot indian chick invited me to go
(09:30:21 PM) Jono: and then she got a boyfriend
(09:30:37 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: oh I see
(09:30:44 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: so you are going but don't want to
(09:30:49 PM) Jono: pretty much
(09:31:17 PM) Jono: how are you?
(09:31:25 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: good.
(09:31:27 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: tired
(09:31:31 PM) Jono: I can imagine =)
(09:31:38 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: I came online to order grad announcements
(09:31:43 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: EXCITING!
(09:31:46 PM) Jono: aww, I won't bug ya then =)
(09:31:58 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: haha.
(09:32:13 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: I opened a window to say hello and as I typed that in your message popped up first
(09:32:19 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: so I am buggin you
(09:32:30 PM) Jono: haha
(09:32:34 PM) Jono: you can't bug me =)
(09:32:42 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: haha
(09:32:48 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: Still I was going too bug you first!
(09:33:01 PM) Jono: psh, I'm just quicker, cause I'm more bored =)
(09:33:07 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: haha.
(09:33:08 PM) Jono: I need to clone you lindsay.
(09:33:14 PM) Jono: I need a movie/hot chocolate partner.
(09:33:16 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: sweet....I think
(09:33:29 PM) Jono: eh, it's pretty sweet.
(09:33:42 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: can it involve fires and smores
(09:33:55 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: my clones are only bribed with smores
(09:34:00 PM) Jono: and big fluffy blankets
(09:34:05 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: TRUE
(09:34:10 PM) Jono: and occasional tickles, but not enough to be bothersome
(09:34:28 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: my clones like I are absolutely no joking not ticklish
(09:34:43 PM) Jono: but absolutely fires, and roasted marshmallows, and gooey melty chocolate on crisp grahm crackers
(09:34:51 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: mmmmmm
(09:35:14 PM) Jono: haha, well, tickling might just turn to hand-holding and soft arm stroking then. something pleasant.
(09:35:29 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: ok deal. Light back scratches too
(09:37:16 PM) Jono: oh, naturally
(09:37:36 PM) Jono: I have a feeling that while she's having a smore, I could manage a massage
(09:38:00 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: oooh clones love those. They get so tense.
(09:38:32 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: but I think asa a clone she could give you a massage. That's what they do. They work like robots
(09:38:48 PM) Jono: oooh, really? I might have to partake in her clone-massage abilities
(09:39:04 PM) Jono: I have a feeling I'd be happy just being in contact with her
(09:39:19 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: she's be happy with you. you are awesome kid!
(09:39:44 PM) Jono: haha, she's such a sweet clone =) I'll have to think up something extra-special to reward her with, since I can't possibly make her my slave =)
(09:39:49 PM) Jono: yet...
(09:40:00 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: see.....and could
(09:40:18 PM) Jono: well, I'd always be reminded of you, and so I'd only be able to do things that I'd do with you
(09:40:44 PM) Jono: for the sake of social unawkwardness
(09:41:28 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: haha, maybe we could make one tiny little thing different so you would always know under close observation it wasn't me
(09:41:34 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: let's give her green eyes
(09:41:50 PM) Jono: hmm, I'd have to pay very close attention indeed =)
(09:41:54 PM) Jono: I don't think I mind that one bit
(09:42:01 PM) Jono: and she likes all the things you like?
(09:42:07 PM) Jono: except she'll be my slave?
(09:42:13 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: oh exactly the same except the eyes
(09:42:18 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: so you would know
(09:42:22 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: and I would know
(09:42:24 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: haha
(09:42:30 PM) Jono: but of course =) I want everything else to be exactly the same!
(09:42:49 PM) Jono: does she like neck-kisses?
(09:42:58 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: oooooh yes
(09:42:59 PM) Jono: in case I need to unload my surplus?
(09:43:09 PM) Jono: they've been piling up in the warehouse
(09:43:33 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: haha. She loves to give soft ones in the area at the top of the neck just behind and slightly below the ear
(09:43:44 PM) Jono: oooh, that'll get her extra massages =)
(09:43:46 PM) Jono: in the firelight
(09:44:02 PM) Jono: surrounded by fluffy pillows and cushions, very much like an arabian princess
(09:44:08 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: haha.
(09:44:10 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: nice.
(09:44:23 PM) Jono: =D
(09:44:37 PM) Jono: okay, now that you've sent me reeling into the world of fantastical heaven....
(09:44:52 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: ...yes?...
(09:45:03 PM) Jono: haha, nevermind =)
(09:45:06 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: haha
(09:45:11 PM) Jono: so you're looking at your graduation stuff?
(09:45:20 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: ordering announcements
(09:45:21 PM) Jono: some day, Lindsay, you're going to accidentally make me propose.
(09:45:38 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: to make myself feel better about not getting a ceremony
(09:45:51 PM) Jono: aww, cause you graduate halfway through the year?
(09:46:01 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: cause I am dine in three weeks
(09:46:09 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: and I am a graduate
(09:46:17 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: but there is no ceremony until next June
(09:46:20 PM) Jono: awwww
(09:46:25 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: and I'm not walking in a year
(09:46:27 PM) Jono: are you going to have a celebration then?
(09:46:43 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: in a few weeks...yes
(09:46:51 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: or maybe in Jan after the holidays
(09:46:56 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: we'll see
(09:47:06 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: maybe just when I get my cpa
(09:47:14 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: but that might be another 2 years :-)
(09:47:16 PM) Jono: hahaha
(09:47:36 PM) Jono: you'd better have something sooner than that, if you're gonna invite me =)
(09:47:44 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: why?
(09:47:48 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: where you going?
(09:48:04 PM) Jono: nowhere
(09:48:08 PM) Jono: but I just.....
(09:48:09 PM) Jono: I dunno
(09:48:16 PM) Jono: I kinda don't wanna wait two years to see you again?
(09:48:24 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: well duh
(09:48:39 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: I'm just pessamisstic about my chances of passing
(09:48:52 PM) Jono: haha, I wouldn't worry about that
(09:48:59 PM) Jono: you are hands down the most capable woman I know
(09:49:10 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: well only 40% pass the first time
(09:49:25 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: and I am good at working but never in the tippy top of my class in ANYTHING
(09:49:34 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: ok I oficially hate this topis
(09:49:37 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: topic
(09:49:51 PM) Jono: hahaha
(09:49:53 PM) Jono: sorry =)
(09:49:59 PM) Jono: okay, are you allergic to silk?
(09:49:59 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: no I brought it up
(09:50:04 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: oh heck no
(09:50:07 PM) Jono: oh good
(09:50:09 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: feels good on the body
(09:50:17 PM) Jono: that's what I was hoping you'd say =)
(09:50:21 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: haha
(09:50:31 PM) Jono: I absolutely cannot wait for my brown eyed clone!!
(09:50:35 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: green
(09:50:43 PM) Jono: wait, what color are your eyes?
(09:50:46 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: brown sucks
(09:50:49 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: mine are blue
(09:50:56 PM) Jono: awww
(09:50:58 PM) Jono: mine are brown
(09:51:06 PM) Jono: okay
(09:51:09 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: brown for me would suck. it is perfect on others
(09:51:11 PM) Jono: your clone has to like guys with brown eyes
(09:51:17 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: oh she does
(09:51:22 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: they're her favorite
(09:51:42 PM) Jono: oh dearie =)
(09:51:51 PM) Jono: I hope she likes silk as much as you do
(09:52:02 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: oh she does. Clones love to slide around naked din silk
(09:52:07 PM) Jono: I'm going to get her a bit silk sheet, and gently run it over her oh wow
(09:52:14 PM) Jono: I totally lost my train of thought =)
(09:52:17 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: haha
(09:52:20 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: I WIN!
(09:52:27 PM) Jono: you always with when it's you and me =)
(09:52:44 PM) Jono: I think I'm going to let her slide around naked in it, but I might have to join her
(09:52:48 PM) Jono: in case she gets lonely
(09:53:07 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: oh she gets cold and lonely and loves a partner
(09:53:27 PM) Jono: awww, well, I'm big and warm and I could wrap my arms around her while she's wrapped in silk...
(09:53:47 PM) Jono: or we could wrap up both of us and I could pull her naked body against mine
(09:54:03 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: oooh, that one
(09:54:33 PM) Jono: oh good, because then I can pull her close to me, and she can feel my breath as I kiss her neck
(09:56:49 PM) Jono: although she'd probably do best to not face toward me
(09:58:02 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: haha
(09:58:11 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: well hey kid
(09:58:15 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: I got to get to bed
(09:58:18 PM) Jono: haha
(09:58:22 PM) Jono: you are cruel =)
(09:58:24 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: I try to go to sleep around 10 now
(09:58:31 PM) Jono: and I'm going to get my blue eyed lindsay some day =)
(09:58:32 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: this schedule is killing me
(09:58:34 PM) Jono: you sleep tight!!
(09:58:36 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: haha
(09:58:37 PM) Jono: get some rest babe
(09:58:42 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: thanks kid
(09:58:45 PM) Jono: haha
(09:58:48 PM) Jono: I'm way older than you hon =)
(09:58:52 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: and you know I don't do this to you on pourpose
(09:58:55 PM) Jono: hahaha
(09:59:02 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: nope I have decided to call you kid from now on
(09:59:03 PM) Jono: I like to pretend that secretly you enjoy it =)
(09:59:06 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: its endering.
(09:59:10 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: you can't argue that
(09:59:25 PM) Jono: true, I can't, but it's a little belittling =)
(09:59:32 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: really?
(09:59:36 PM) Jono: a little
(09:59:42 PM) Jono: like sport
(09:59:44 PM) Jono: or champ
(09:59:48 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: well that I understnad
(09:59:55 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: I will stop then
(10:00:01 PM) Jono: we will think of something
(10:00:03 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: I will just have to stick with babe like you
(10:00:05 PM) Jono: and I will think of something for you
(10:00:07 PM) Jono: awwwwwww
(10:00:10 PM) Jono: now THAT made me melt.
(10:00:12 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: ok you think of something
(10:00:14 PM) Jono: wow.
(10:00:15 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: night babe
(10:00:20 PM) Jono: I'm just gonna be melty here =)
(10:00:27 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: talk to you soon babe
(10:00:29 PM) Jono: sleep tight hon
(10:00:33 PM) Lindsay Chadwell: haha good one
(10:00:41 PM) Jono: stop making me melty =)